Spinal stenosis occurs when the space around the spinal cord narrows. This puts pressure on the spinal cord and the spinal nerve roots, results in pain, numbness, or weakness below the diseased level. Laminectomy is a surgical procedure removes hypertrophic bone spurs and ligaments that are compressing on the nerves. This operation is usually referred as “posterior decompression”. It may be done along with other surgeries such as discectomy and/ or spinal fusion at the same time as needed. This surgery is indicated when patient has significant numbness, weakness, or pain that interferes his/ her daily living while non-surgical treatments fail to ease the problems.
The intervertebral discs are fibrocartilaginous cushions serving as the spine's shock absorbing system, which protect the vertebrae, brain, and nerves, as well as allow some vertebral motion. A lumbar spine discectomy is used to treat ruptured or herniated discs in the lower back. It can be done in two ways: minimally invasive (microendoscopic and percutaneous) and open. The conventional way (open) consists of laminectomy and discectomy through a larger incision, whereas the minimally invasive way requires one or two much smaller incision(s) and is performed with fine instruments. In both cases, a surgeon removes the part of the disc, causing the problem.
Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure used to correct problems with the vertebrae in the spine. It fuses together the vertebrae which causes symptoms, so that they heal into a single solid bone. In an anterior spinal fusion surgery, the surgeon approaches the spine from the front (anterior). The intervertebral disk may be removed for spinal nerve or cord decompression before the spinal fusion. Spinal fusion is achieved by using bone grafts and internal fixation devices to stabilize the spine. Accessing the spine from the anterior aspect has its advantages: both the back muscles and nerves remain undisturbed, and the bone graft tends to fuse better when it is placed at the front of the spine.
Posterior decompression is a major surgery aims at relieving pain and pressure on the spinal cord or nerve roots. An incision is made on the skin at the back over the involved region of the spine. Spinal fusion may be performed at the same time by using bone grafts and internal fixation devices to stabilize the spine.